As I’ve mentioned previously in my blogs about diet, meditation and the like, I’ve found myself on a journey towards… well, inner peace is the best way to say it I guess! Being able to walk through life gracefully… tackling bad moods, depression and anxiety one swing at a time (and with the current state of the world I applaud you if you don’t know what I’m talking about!) On this journey I’ve radically changed my diet (no gluten, no alcohol, no smoking, I still struggle a bit with sugar but mostly only indulge with honey and dates), given up my pharmaceutical crutch of anti-depression/anti-anxiety medication, restarted practicing yoga regularly, meditate almost daily, taken a few journeys with some very beautiful amazonian plants/creatures, strengthened my relationship with the Great Spirit, amped up and diversified my gut microbiome, reconfigurated how I view myself in my body (through self love, which is still an evolving and fluctuating practice but oh so important) and finally at this moment I find myself in Spain, singing from mountain tops and learning how to clear my chakras.  I think I’ve made progress folks = )  and I only know that because I actually FEEL different.  There are no measurements, no guidelines, no comparisons (well at least after I compare I tell myself comparisons don’t matter…) but I’m just left with a feeling.  A feeling of more calmness that wasn’t so present before.  Less worry about what others are thinking about me because I realized that they aren’t actually thinking about me anyways… most people are generally way too wrapped up in their own story to pay attention to anyone else’s.  I have more appreciation and less dissatisfaction.  Taking responsibility for my own life… for my every day and how I’m going to live it.  I still don’t manage to make every day a good day, but I’m trying and it’s definitely easier than it was before.  I still have my freakouts, my crisis’.  They’ll probably always be there.  But they’re happening less often and that is AWESOME.  And I’ve learned so much along the way.  Like how to clear my chakras.  I have no idea if I’m doing it ‘right’ or not, but I know that when it comes to spirituality there is no right and wrong but only what it feels like, and let me tell you, it feels wonderful. 

I still have quite a lot to learn regarding chakras, but as usual I just wanted to share as much as I can with my beginner knowledge to anyone out there that may have never heard of them!  It seems like there are some variations when discussing them- different numbers of ‘main chakras’ (7 or 8) maybe the colors vary slightly, maybe there is just one of each, maybe two of each (front and back), slightly different locations, but just like there are so many different religions claiming their own ideas about their own god, in reality it all doesn’t really matter and there is just one great energy that is surrounding us and supporting us.  So there is an idea that we’ve got these energy centers, called chakras, within us that correspond with different aspects of the material and spiritual world and you can take from it what you like and use the ideas that will support you and guide you into a more peaceful life.

Chakras are all about energy- they keep our vital life energy flowing in, out and around our bodies and spirits. Our chakras are influenced by our thoughts, so when we have negative thoughts, worries or fears, our vital energy can get stuck and not flow properly.  During these times are chakras can become dull, shrunken, enlarged or just basically out of balance.  I have read that the size of our chakras is not so important, just that they should all be the same size.  When our chakras are not in balance we may feel sluggish, fatigued and in general just not living up to our fullest power and potential. When your thoughts are completely based on love and faith instead of worry and fear, your chakras will be aligned and your life will run smoothly (so they say! I’m still trying to get mine in balance = )  )

Some basic information about the main chakras:

Your Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine and is the slowest spinning chakra.  It’s red in color and is affected by your thoughts and feelings about finances, career, home, physical safety, needs and possessions. 

Your Sacral Chakra is found midway between the base of your spine and your navel.  It is spinning a bit faster than your root chakra and is a beautiful orange color.  It is affected by thoughts about your body, addictions, and physical cravings.

Your Solar Plexus Chakra is found right behind your navel and as it’s spinning a bit faster, is a bright yellow color.  It is affected by thoughts and feelings about power and control.

Your Heart Chakra is in the center of the chest and is the first of the upper chakras, which deal with spiritual aspects rather than the lower which deal with more material aspects.  It is glowing green and is affected by thoughts and feelings concerning relationships, love, people attachments and forgiveness/unforgiveness.

Your Throat Chakra is just behind your Adam’s apple area and spinning faster so it shines sky blue in color.  It is affected by thoughts and feelings concerning communication, speaking your truth and asking for your needs to be met. 

Your Third Eye Chakra is located between your eyes, is oval in shape and radiates a deep indigo blue.  It is affected by thoughts and feelings regarding your past, your future and your beliefs about spirits. 

Your Crown Chakra is located inside the top of the head, is spinning fast and shines a royal purple.  This chakra is affected by thoughts and feelings concerning God, religion or spirituality, divine guidance and trust.

Ways to clear your chakras:

  • Get to know them! If you’ve never paid them any attention, they are most likely needing some love.  I have the feeling that just taking the time to sit and imagine what they look like and how they feel is already a HUGE step in the process.  The more often you do it the more clear and beautiful they become and the more balanced you feel.
  • Meditation! So helpful and healing on so many levels. Starting early in the day aligning and balancing your chakras in a quiet place a great idea, deep and meaningful breaths during the day will keep them clear, and you can do an evening meditation to make sure nothing that has affected you during your day is affecting them.
  • Visualisations- Imagine a hugely bright beam of light from the skies entering the top of your head clearing all your chakras with its brilliance, bringing each chakra into balance
  • Toning and Chanting
  • Pay attention to your diet!  Just like I always say, what you put in your body has a major impact on your life.  Turns out it affects your chakras too!
  • Exercise
  • Crystals
  • Massage

And just to reiterate-  I am no expert, just sharing my beginner knowledge of this extremely deep and rich spiritual concept.  There are so many different realms of spirituality, but the key element of spiritual exploration that resonates with me most at the moment is self-love.  Taking ten minutes before your day starts to clear your chakras is like saying ‘I love you’ to your spirit.  Doing a bit of yoga is saying ‘I love you’ to your body.  Meditation is saying ‘I love you’ to your mind.  Be gentle with yourself.  We need it now more than ever in these crazy times.  Be bold and practice self-love.  The world will be a better place.  Practice kindness with yourself and others, even when it feels odd because no one else is doing it.  Be an example.  Much love and light ❤️